AI: A New Era of Creation and Efficiency

AI: A New Era of Creation and Efficiency

Dive into the heart of ethical AI by looking at existing guidelines and governance proposals. Explore real-world applications of AI and join the conversation on how we can ensure AI serves humanity ethically and responsibly.


As technology progresses astoundingly, artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from the realm of science fiction to a rapidly growing force in the public sphere. 

Jean paul sartre would have thought highly of ai

With widespread adoption and integration into our daily lives, AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we do things, just like the industrial and computer ages before it. Far from being a force that replaces us, AI is a tool to be wielded, creating a new era of creation and efficiency.

In his seminal work, “Being and Nothingness,” the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre posited that we are responsible for creating value and meaning in our lives. 

This idea of embracing our ever-changing world and adapting to new technologies is essential to understanding the true potential of AI. As Photoshop revolutionised art, AI tools will transform various industries and applications.


According to a report by McKinsey, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence has led to a 14.9% increase in productivity across various sectors. Furthermore, a projection by Statista underscores the burgeoning potential of AI, with the market expected to reach a staggering $126 billion by 2025. These statistics elucidate the transformative impact of AI on our work and life.

The World Economic Forum predicts that labor productivity in developed countries could increase by up to 40% until 2035 due to AI, with high increases projected in Sweden (37%), the U.S. (35%), and Japan (34%).

Renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, known for his pivotal work in machine learning, emphasises the pivotal role of AI in modern society, stating, “Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today I have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI will transform in the next several years.” 

This affirmation from a leading figure in the AI domain significantly underscores the pervasive influence AI is slated to have across diverse sectors.


Despite the many benefits AI brings, it’s common for people to fear the unknown, especially when it comes to potential job displacement. In reality, our roles and the value we contribute to society constantly evolve. 

As Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has noted, the democratisation of AI is critical to advancing human progress with AI safely. Instead of fearing AI’s impact on our jobs, we should recognise that our society is anything but stationary and embrace the opportunities for growth and evolution that AI provides. Elon also has called for a pause on AI and implementing a governing global body to regulate the advancement before it is too far developed and out of control.

The past six months have seen a dramatic shift in the AI landscape, with the technology becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives. This rapid adoption is likely to continue exponentially, making AI a seamless part of our existing software and hardware. This technology will not be confined to a single source; it will permeate every aspect of our lives.

As AI becomes increasingly ubiquitous, it won’t replace what we do or favour only the tech-literate or early adopters. Instead, it will enable all members of society who use technology to enhance their daily lives through AI-assisted functions

These improvements will initially appear subtle, like how Microsoft Word evolved from pre-print spellcheck to real-time spellcheck as you type. The next iteration of AI-driven tools may offer suggestions based on what you want to write rather than what you’ve already written.

For most people, adopting AI will be a moderate and almost indistinguishable transition, similar to the annual upgrades in features we expect from our devices and software. This incremental change is enough to keep us engaged and subscribed, but the sense of wonder and amazement is palpable for those captivated by the rapid progress we’ve seen in just six months.

The excitement surrounding AI today is reminiscent of the awe many felt upon seeing their first animated GIF on a simple HTML website. However, the future of AI promises far more than just being the file format of choice for memes.

AI will become an indispensable tool for enhancing our everyday lives as it advances. From optimising our work productivity to personalising our entertainment, AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we interact with technology and each other. As we move into this new era, we must remember that AI does not replace human creativity and ingenuity. Instead, it is a tool that can augment our abilities and help us reach new heights in various fields.

Ethical Guidelines or Proposals for AI Governance

In artificial intelligence (AI), ensuring ethical AI governance is paramount. The European Union has made strides in crafting the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. These guidelines serve as a beacon, directing the development of AI towards societal good and avoiding harm. They stress a human-centric approach, ensuring that AI serves individuals and the community.

Diverse AI organisations, too, propose frameworks for ethical AI governance. They advocate for clear regulations that ensure transparency, accountability, and privacy. These measures aim to foster trust among the public and ensure that the boon of AI doesn’t morph into a bane. A roadmap for responsible AI unfolds through these guidelines and proposals, striving for a future where AI and humanity thrive in harmony.


AI represents a new revolution in approaching work, creativity, and problem-solving. Far from replacing us, AI is a powerful tool that, when used effectively, can enhance our lives and enable us to create and innovate more efficiently. By embracing this technology and adapting to the evolving world, we can ensure that AI serves as a force for good, pushing humanity forward into a brighter and more prosperous future.

As we embark on this journey into the AI revolution, we can draw inspiration from prominent thinkers and innovators who have embraced change and sought to harness the power of technology. Sartre’s ideas on creating value in life remind us that we must continually adapt and grow as individuals and a society. Similarly, Musk’s focus on innovation and technology emphasises the importance of pushing the boundaries of human potential.

Integrating AI into our daily lives will touch nearly every aspect of our existence. From healthcare and education to finance, transportation, and even advertising, AI-driven advancements will empower us to overcome challenges, streamline processes, and improve outcomes. 

This widespread adoption of machine learning and ethical AI governance will democratise access to cutting-edge tools and resources, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their technical prowess, can benefit from the transformative power of this technology.

As AI continues to evolve, we must recognise its potential to enhance, rather than replace, our uniquely human capabilities. By fostering a spirit of collaboration between humans and machines, we can harness the best of both worlds, leveraging the immense processing power of AI while maintaining the creativity, empathy, and intuition that define our humanity.

Moreover, as we progress through this AI revolution, it is essential to address the ethical implications of this technology. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders—including researchers, policymakers, and the public—we can ensure that the development and deployment of AI are guided by ethical principles that prioritise human well-being, fairness, and accountability.

Ultimately, the AI revolution offers us an unparalleled opportunity to reshape our world. As we continue to explore the vast potential of this technology, we must strive to use AI to empower individuals, improve our collective well-being, and drive meaningful progress. 

Embracing AI as a transformative force, rather than fearing it as a potential threat, will enable us to usher in a new era of creation, efficiency, and innovation—in which humans and machines work together to build a brighter future for all.


The journey towards responsible and ethical AI is ongoing, full of promise and potential. By adhering to the proposed guidelines and continuously engaging in the dialogue surrounding AI ethics, we can ensure a future where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. 
Your insight and involvement are crucial. Talk to us and share your thoughts on how we can further this dialogue and promote ethical AI practices. Together, let’s shape a future where AI acts as a force for good.

Published: 05/04/2023
by David Easton


What are the ethical principles guiding AI?

Ethical principles for AI encompass a range of guidelines to ensure the responsible use and governance of AI technologies. These principles often touch on aspects like transparency, accountability, human agency and oversight, technical robustness, privacy, and data governance.

Is there a global consensus on AI ethics?

While a universal consensus may not exist, many guidelines and recommendations are emerging worldwide. A notable initiative is UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of AI, adopted by 193 countries, setting a global normative framework for ethical AI governance.

How are organisations navigating AI ethics?

Organisations are adopting various approaches to navigate AI ethics. Common methods include setting up governance structures like external advisory boards or internal review committees to monitor and manage AI ethics. These structures help in aligning AI technologies with value-based norms.

What initiatives are in place for ethical AI governance?

Numerous initiatives are sprouting to guide ethical AI governance. For instance, the IEEE introduced a program providing free access to global socio-technical standards in AI Ethics and Governance. Similarly, associations like AAAI promote the responsible use of AI through research and guidelines.

How can I stay updated on ethical guidelines for AI?

Staying updated on ethical AI guidelines entails following reputable AI organisations, academic institutions, and global bodies like the EU or UNESCO that release guidelines and recommendations. Engaging in forums, reading related publications, and participating in discussions on platforms like ours can also keep you abreast of the evolving ethical landscape in AI.

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