How virtual reality is transforming marketing

How virtual reality is transforming marketing

Virtual reality (VR) is not new tech, but it has gained traction in recent years. By 2024, the VR market is predicted to increase at an exponential rate, thanks to recent advancements in the gaming industry, which have helped it find its way into more people’s homes.

However, even the marketing industry has been exploring the promise VR holds when selling. Advertisers, for example, have noticed VR’s unique ability to promote immersive encounters, which a business may employ to engage with customers on a deeper level.

Marketing using Virtual Reality

VR allows brands to bridge the gap between customer experience and action. Brands can use VR to offer immersive digital experiences in the absence of a physical store to promote their products or services. 

The future of VR in marketing

Here are a few examples of how VR might change marketing in the future.

Virtual product ‘experiencing.’

Advertising will become more interactive, like how the internet allows customers to connect directly with preferred items and businesses through online apps and social media sharing. With the capabilities of the internet, the methods VR headsets and controllers imitate interactions in the actual world will allow consumers to connect deeper to their brand virtually.

Substitute for in-person interactions

COVID-19 will transform travel and trade events, establishing VR as a viable replacement for previously in-person encounters. It may favourably affect customers’ image of a brand as forward-thinking, green-conscious, and tech-savvy, in addition to lowering expenses.

Better customer service experience

VR allows for superior advertising experiences and can help businesses overcome hurdles to persuade potential consumers to utilise their products or service. While VR is more suitable for specific subjects, such as shopping, since it allows buyers to view things in their actual size and scale, it also has applications in customer service, such as creating virtual showrooms.

Mobile apps

VR will be used in all facets of mobile marketing. More marketers will seek to create engagement and impressions in various situations as they get in front of today’s youth on social media sites that allow VR games or online interaction.

New key performance indicators

Given the variety of tools designers and developers will have to deal with to build creative tactics around modern ads, virtual reality will greatly influence marketing. Advertisers will place a greater emphasis on gauging immersion and in-experience engagement, resulting in high purchase intent tracking or conversions.


VR allows customers to reimagine their relationship with a brand while getting ever closer to the experience it provides. Today’s VR-based ads demonstrate that more now than ever, inventive marketing tactics must include some form of unique, interactive experience that impacts people’s lives and hearts in a whole new manner.